Gametogenesis oogenesis
Gametogenesis oogenesis

  • The sequence of events in oogenesis are:-ġ) The primitive germ cells undeergo mitotic divisions to form oogonia (diploid cells). Oogonium is unique in that it is the only female cell in which both ‘X’ chromosomes are active.Ģ) The oogonia proliferate by mitosis to form primary oocytes (diploid cells).
  • Unlike fetal testis (in which spermatogenesis begins at puberty) the fetal ovary begins oogenesis by 10 weeks of gestation.
  • gametogenesis oogenesis gametogenesis oogenesis gametogenesis oogenesis

    Oogenesis refers to the process of formation of ova from the primitive germ cells.

    Gametogenesis oogenesis